Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Blog #6

Reading the author Gloria Anzaldua caused quite a controversy during our class time discussion. I think this is the perfect opportunity to give my opinion on the matter.

The reading told us of how she was a "chicana" who was trying to express herself and her heritage by speaking all these different variations of Spanish to her friends, family and other people of Mexican decent, but that it was not accepted in society and so she had to speak English in public.

My opinion: Yes, it would be easier if we all spoke the same language, BUT our ancestors did not all come here speaking English. America is known as the "melting pot." What makes America what everyone desires is that ability to be yourself and it be okay. I realize that apparently our ancestors who spoke Italian, French, Spanish, etc. eventually began to speak English so that they could participate in public events and voice their opinion.

This is where I believe that the Chicana/Chicanos should embrace where they come from, yet adapt to the American culture of speaking English so that they can have a say-so in society. This isn't to say they should forget their culture entirely, I just believe that if you want to live here you should adapt.

But then, I get to the most important part. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DOES NOT HAVE AN OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. I repeat, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DOES NOT HAVE AN OFFICIAL LANGUAGE.  Which means to this Chicana, why should she speak English when it isn't the official language? I think that many people are mistaken and believe that the United States does have an official language of English, however, it does not even though the majority of the people speak English (even though spanish is on the rise).

I understand that America was not founded by all English speakers, which is why the ACLU opposes the United States from declaring an official language, but we have to think about the safety of the people.

If there is one thing that drives me absolutely insane, it is that you can take a driver's license test in Spanish. Hey, I understand, Spanish is their language and they aren't familiar with English. But how in the WORLD are you going to read the street signs that are written in English if you had to take your driver's license test in Spanish because you couldn't understand English. And how ridiculous would it be if we had to list every language on a street sign. The STOP signs would be the height of light poles and the width of interstate information signs.

For this reason, we should adopt an official language. This doesn't mean that someone who speaks a language other than the official language should be offended, it means that we are setting a common ground for the well being of all Americans.

On a completely different subject, we also discussed Billy Collins and his witty writings. I am not one much for poetry, but Billy's writing style appeases me. He writes in such a sarcastic way that you relate with what he is saying and you want to read more. I love sarcasm. Which is probably why I couldn't help but laugh while watching Billy Collins read his poem "To my favourite 17 year old High School girl."

Even though I was a teenage girl at one point, I think that everyone can relate to that attitude of the modern day "17 year old High School girl." The one that thinks she doesn't have to do anything, and the fact that Billy Collins includes

"you’re fine just being yourself.
You’re loved for just being you."

just adds to the hillarity of the whole poem. The point he's trying to make is that they think they don't have to do anything because they are just perfect being themselves.

I'm so glad that "Litany" was pointed out in class. I love that Billy is actually making fun of another person's work by pointing out that it makes absolutely no sense. Even better, the 3 year old that recites this poem! Once you read the poem you can see that Billy is using his sarcasm again to show how ridiculous it is for someone to say all those things to someone. "You are the bread and the knife." How can you be the bread AND the knife? His point is, it just doesn't make sense.

I just keep on looking for more and more of his poems because he has such a dry sense of humor that I can't get enough.

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